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Chapter 3: Sometimes Bigger is Better


Updated: Jan 7

Taking big, deep, slow breathes. Letting out that loud, heavy moan. I'm talking about making your orgasms more intense, last longer, and happen more often!

Everyone wants to orgasm more, right? I know I do. So, let's make it happen together!

What do I notice when I'm trying to reach climax but I can't? I'm rushing it. I'm clenching and holding back. I'm too focused on that one sensation I so badly want to feel. I'm in my head and I'm losing touch of what's happening in my body right now. When I let go, when I take time to feel and hear and observe where I am and who I'm with, to feel my body and yours, everything happens magically and blissfully when it's supposed to.

It's a normal response to hold our breath when we are eagerly awaiting something. We hold our breath more often than we realize--when we're stressed about bills, anxious about a deadline, upset or frustrated that something didn't meet our expectation, excited to find out what's behind that door in a movie! The way we breathe is a subconscious reflex. That is why it's important to practice altering your breath--so when you are exerting yourself it comes naturally.

Maybe you're wondering what make me an expert at practicing breath control? I'm an athlete! I was a competitive swimmer in high school. Breath control was pivotal in winning a race! One mistaken breathe could mean I don't hit my turn in time or that I miss out on a very important stroke that could have brought me from second to first place. I ran track, too. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, long deep breathes keep your heart rate down, your blood flowing, and your body moving so that last hundred meters feels like fifty. Now I'm a yogini--more breath control. Controlled breath helps you keep your focus in meditation and create heat or cool your body to help you keep a steady pace during your flow.

We don't think about breathing, we just do it! Taking deep heavy breaths is not what we do on a day-to-day basis. It feels unnatural so we have to practice!

First, let's focus on what you are probably already doing. You're in bed with your beloved (me) and you really want to reach climax. You're clenching your jaw, you're distracted by work or the traffic later, you're simply not present. Let all that go. Relax. Now you're thinking about the weird sounds the bed is making? Let that go too! You know what you're not thinking about? How you are breathing rapidly or shallowly or holding your breath altogether!

I had to learn to give up control. It felt immensely intimate. I was brought to tears. The first time I'd let myself be fully present and breathe in deeply and let out loud moans I was embarrassed. I hadn't totally let go of my own shame around my body and desires and allowed myself to feel vulnerable. I had been dampening sensations that could have lasted longer by looking away, holding my breath and muffling my sounds during an experience where I simply could not control what my body wanted to do! I'd met God and it was time to surrender to sensation and joy!

So, how do you get out of your head and back in your body?

Look at me. Feel your skin on mine. Notice the gold flecks in my blue-green eyes and your weight on mine. Take a deep breathe! Count to 4 in your head, or out loud and I'll count with you. And, let out the moan, the cry, the roar that's emerging from your chest, babe. It's going to feel great and you're going to get to savor more sensation before you even hit climax. And you're probably going to hit climax more! Allow your body to move naturally and fall into a rhythm with me. Allow any movements or emotions that come up to flow out of you uninhibited as we fall in sync with one another!

Maybe looking at me is too much to handle right away. Close your eyes and envision a soft glowing white light around you and us, both. Focus on that loving light and how it moves around you, how it moves around us. With this light you are working with your energy body and may run into areas that feel stuck. Emotions and trauma are stored in your body and practicing like this can release feelings and memories that accompany the stuck energy. Indulge in the feelings that come up. Let your thoughts come to you, observe them, and let them go, let them pass you by like waving hello to a neighbor as you walk down the sidewalk. You can even tell me what's coming up for you. I promise I'm pretty open, I want to be a safe place for my lovers.

"Supple, I'm honestly still embarrassed and want to come to our session more prepared." Okay, well, I will always be the first person to say you do not have to be embarrassed and the last person to judge you. But, you can practice while you are masturbating! Give yourself some pleasure, you deserve it!

To start, inhale a deep breathe, hold your breath for a 4 count and then breathe deeply through your diaphragm instead of taking those shallow inhales and exhales through your chest. You might notice a wave of sensation moving through your entire body. Work with that! Try to move the sensation through your body. Notice your energy (and your breath) moving from your pelvic bones to your crown and back down your spine into your pelvis again. Breathe into your pelvis, your naval, your lower ribs, your upper ribs, your chest, your throat, and your head. Squeeze your pelvic floor muscles as you inhale and release as you exhale or clench all the muscles in your body as you inhale and release as you exhale.

Practice breath exercises when you're just relaxing or about to fall asleep! There is a yogic breathing practice, in Sanskrit, it's known as nadi shodhana pranayama. This translates as “subtle energy clearing breathing technique.” You breathe in through one nostril while plugging the other, count to 4, hold 4, and breath out the opposite nostril while counting to 4. This breath practice is honestly good for WAY more than just having better orgasms. Learning and practicing this focus will change everything in your life! Try it!

In fact, here is another technique--if you notice yourself holding your breath, continue to hold it! Count to 8 and then take a deep breathe in for a 4 count and out for a 6 count, repeat. The build up will allow more blood to flow and you'll feel amazing! Maybe you're someone who finds ecstacy between altering holding your breath and taking deep breaths! We're all unique and and should play with different ways to find our own unique pleasure!

The one thing that is universal will always be focussing your intention on enjoying the whole act--feeling, seeing, breathing and releasing--will intensify every sensation in your body, not just your climax. And, when you do this, you're going to feel more grounded and present.

Be patient with yourself, lover. Let your thoughts slow and let your body find relief. Now, let’s get caught up in your fantasy like a couple of tourists taking in new sights for the first time.


Supple Rose

P.S. I have upcoming tours! I will be in Chicago August 1-4 and Denver, CO September 17-19! I look forward to seeing you soon!

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