Dear stranger on the internet... you are hot... I am hot. Let's go on a date. This is why I think we should go on a date with each other.
This is isn’t just your normal step-by-step guide of how to get through emailing a companion for the first time. I promise it has that information. But, it’s also for fun, for levity, for play. For the girls, for the guys, for the good of us all.

I get… a lot… of emails. Every day. Mostly, I get emails from possible suitors who seem lovely, maybe a bit nervous, with intentions to fulfill a need they cannot possibly for themselves and have found my ad to suit their proclivities. Sometimes I get emails that are meant to harm my ego. I read the email through, sigh a prayer of sympathy and delete it, letting it fall into the ether where it was meant to be forgotten. And sometimes, I get emails that are so pointed, they inspire me! A bluster of fury intellectualized in seconds into excitement and thoughts of how I could use it for my own copy-writing and marketing shenanigans.
Like the following email — this person saw my experience of joy in my sexual expression and it provoked a reaction— like I wanted— the expression is just not what I expected. Read along, won’t you? And then you’ll understand why I feel so inspired to share and proceed as I am.
Hello beautiful Rose, (he didn’t realize my first name is Supple, this happens a lot) Ma'am, (so polite) I am writing you about your ad here on tryst. I think you are just such a very beautiful and exciting young woman to say the very least, so gorgeous and sexy. I don't usually see girls as young as you but you're just so very beautiful and sexy (oh! I’m an exception to a rule! Wow I’m so special!) that I would really love to see you very much ma'am, and I would really love to spend several evenings in your company. My name is [Redacted because I'm not a monster] and I am a 43 year old successful professional, and also very generous, Caucasian guy. Most appointments would be at least two hours at a time with occasional overnights too, one to two appointments a month to start, preferably out in my private condo, or in your location if you'd prefer. I'm more than happy to send a deposit and provide many very generous regular and ongoing donations for you at your 1100 rate, along with my selfie and ID and any other screening info you may require, if after you finish reading this you express interest, but for my privacy I'd just like to make sure you're going to be ok with what I'm looking for before I trouble you too much for an appointment. (Hmm, a full paragraph wasting my time before we get to any actual info. Why? Why even go on with reading, Supple? It’s a very thoughtful and strategically written fantasy with just enough real info that I might just let the carrot dangling distract me from noticing that he subtly demanded that my rate never raise and that his privacy is more important to him than my mental fortitude…) The thing is ma'am, I measure out at over eleven inches fully erect, I'm very long and thick, and it can sometimes be hard for me to find girls who can handle taking all of me. I just feel like I should mention that now because I would just really hate to put us both in an awkward situation where you only find out during our date about my large size, and then if you're unable to handle me you might not feel comfortable continuing with our date. (My nipples are rock hard and pussy is tingling, go on!) But I love lots of oral, (Oh?) so I'm looking for a girl with very good deep throat skills (Oh?) who can at least try to go all the way down on me and swallow me really nice and deep over and over again.(Oh!) I also need a girl who's very high energy with a lot of stamina and can take several really good long hard poundings in as many different positions as possible, including on those occasional overnights, full overnight donation for you of course, with you taking several really good poundings over and over again throughout the whole night. (Woah, woah, you would have got me to orgasm if you hadn’t mentioned the obvious which is that you would pay me the donation rate that I already decided on…Whyyyy, are you being so selfish, here?! Like, yeah, I do have a lot of stamina! I’m a fucking professional, sir! I’m a trained athlete, sir! I prefer to be fucked long and hard and from behind so I can wrap my pussy around your cock and massage it the right way, sir!) It could get pretty intense for you, but if you could do this with me I could easily provide many regular and ongoing very generous donations and make it very well worth your while. So please just reply and tell me if you think you can handle this and if so exactly how you would feel about doing this with me, and if you can handle me then I would really love to have a regular ongoing appointment and would really love to do this with you, thank you lovely ma'am. (Okay, first of all, don’t go promising me multiple dates before we meet, I’m the hooker here! And, don’t tell me your fantasy before I have read your real name on the front of your ID or spoken with your references! I know your dick is amazing! And, I know that you know about the value of time and emotional labor. We both have boundaries, we both like it when people respect our boundaries. Treat me, how you want to be treated. Actually scratch that. Treat me the way I want to be treated. Screening info first, please! Be nice to me and I’ll be nice to you. It’s pretty simple. It’s actually better than simple. Be nice to me and I’ll suck your dick and swallow you really nice and deep over and over again!) Mike (They’re always named Mike)
Mike, I just want you to know if you had sent your ID and LinkedIn with that message and not mentioned my rates and been even the slightest bit discreet or respectful, your eleven inch, fully erect cock could be deep inside my tight, little, wet pussy f*cking it into oblivion over and over like we both want you to. But you didn’t follow the rules and you made yourself sound kinda rapey in doing so. And now I’m horny and I’m going to the dildo shop to get an eleven inch dildo to prepare for you Mike, for when you approach me after taking my advice.

Because, yes, I indulge in this for myself but it’s also to hold space for you, lovers. I do what I do to inspire joy and expansion of your own boundaries and identities in intimacy while learning to respectfully create a space to honor both of our curiosity and expression. For you to be encouraged by my openness and to lean in so you can discover yours. Let your heart open up wide to softness to feel the strength of self-love, of serving love. That is my intention, to create a space where we both learn we contain multitudes, we are as vast and deep as the ocean. It’s a gift from the universe which I have been bestowed, an oracle if you will, to our sexual awakening— so our connections with everyone in our lives flourish. That’s it. It sounds so complex but really is so simple to unlock our full capacity of joy through curiosity if that is your focused intention.
I get it, I get nervous meeting new clients and co-workers too and now we’re throwing sex and legality into the mix. What the hell are we doing here, right? For me, it’s how I command a space of integrity. Patriarchal capitalism is a hellscape and I don’t like playing along in its confines any more than the next person but here we are. I think pleasure, being an inherent and foundational part of survival, is okay to pay for. We live in a capitalist society, we pay for food, for houses, we pay for water. If talk therapy is on the docket, why not sex therapy? Why not allow us to choose our own limits? If you’re having a hard time rationalizing the “risk” just know, you’re an activist just for landing in this corner of the internet. Good job and thanks! Sex workers are protectors of sexual sanctity. Holders of integrity in intimacy. Sex workers are healers asking society to dig deep and get vulnerable with themselves, we ask you to show up fully and intentionally and prove that doing that is so fucking sexy and that’s why we have been pushed to the margins. We command our sleeping society to tap into its intuition just as so many of us have on our journey that led us here holding space for you. We belong in a normative therapy and healing structure like talk therapy, hypnosis, massage or reiki— utilizing security structures like any other tax paying citizen.
For now, we take our own precautions in securing our protection and discretion. I ask for references if you have them. This one is pretty obvious, the girl you saw last tells me about your experience together briefly and I make a decision if I’d like to hang out with you based on what she said. But if you’re new, new, fresh out of the box, then I ask for other items that can help determine our security like your drivers license and a work profile. Me and most other companions will let you blur out everything on your license but your name, photo and date of birth and won’t actually call your work. We just want to know that you are an employable and real person. I personally prefer using LinkedIn to verify a potential client’s realness and employability. Some companions will look to see what your job is, where you went to school, and if you have at least 250 contacts. We want to know if we’re going to run into you in our personal lives. Screwing around with my college roommate’s dad on our futon sounds like a great time until college roommate finds out! At least, that’s what a friend told me, I wouldn’t know from experience or anything… I invite my friends to find empowerment in cultivating a commanding presence. Societal standards direct how we make subconscious decisions about what we think of others and ourselves every moment of ever day. My point is, I make my decision about you based on how you’re dressed in your photo and the way you look at the camera--then I look at your job title. Are you a doctor? Your schedule is probably just as important to you as mine is to me, good thing I’m flexible! Work for yourself? More likely to take liberties where you see them, I bet we’ll be great friends! Retired? Probably will want to book something before 11am, I’ll finally get to make it to that 12:30pm yoga class!
I’d rather keep things simple in our painfully complex world, so I offer multiple options for screening. One of them is a five minute welcome call on an encrypted, screenshot blocked video conferencing platform where we can chat and help relieve any anxiety you might still be sitting with. The people I’ve done this with have all said this was a huge help in taking the next step to booking a date that we both ended up REALLY enjoying. It’s nice to see what it’s like to have a conversation with you. And, you get to see that I get nervous meeting someone new too! It's like we're both human or something?!
Maybe you’re still stuck on “How do I find an escort?”, I can’t imagine you made it here if that’s the case, but for good measure…
How do I know I’m picking the right companion/provider? You’re attracted to me? You like how I wrote my ad? Chances are things will go off without a hitch and if there isn’t any chemistry I’ll still try to make you feel good and then we move on. I think the biggest thing here is knowing where to look. I personally try to think like a client when deciding where to publish my ad— I google escort near me and I see Tryst, Preferred411, Slixa and some others usually come up that are less consistent depending where you are like Leolist or Otherboard. Search engines rank sites by authority so the sites past the sponsored list, sitting at the top, have the most traffic and content and are your best bet at finding that quality date you are looking for. I’m always impressed when I see an independent girls site on the first or even second page of a search engine, you typically have to dig a bit to find one, it usually means she had a professional marketing team write her site, or at least manage the SEO.
What do I even say to this woman that I find *so* sexy? Just tell me your name, your date of birth and your social security number. Just kidding! Tell me your name when you email me, though! There’s nothing worse than being swooned by some guy and not knowing what to call him when I’m ready to send a hello back! Tell me your name! Second, decide on a date! You wouldn’t imagine how many guys will email me and not have an actual date in mind. Pick a date, pick a time of day, know if you’d like to hang out for two or four hours or whatever have you and then, take a deep breath (you deserve pleasure and relaxation) and start writing the email. When I confirm that I can also be available at that date and time—put me in your calendar! Make your pleasure and joy as much of a priority as your job or a dentist visit! And, while we’re focusing on pleasure tell me about some things that brings you pleasure! What’s a hobby you like or something you really enjoy about yourself and would like to share with me? What do you have in mind for our date? Something fun and fast paced or luxuriously lengthy? Introductions that give me a hint of your personality always help ease everyone’s nerves beyond knowing your employment, age and where you are from. I get to know you a little better and you get to feel a little more seen. That’s the whole point of this after all.

That’s it. You just have to take those few steps in writing me an email and I will start making arrangements so you can see me naked. I mean…uh.. so we can create a space of integrity in intimacy!
Supple Rose
*This blog post is for entertainment purposes only! This is not a solicitation or insinuation of prostitution or other illegal activities. By contacting me you agree to these terms and hereby agree that you are not part of any law enforcement agency using this advertisement for entrapment or arrest. Any scenarios depicted on this website are for entertainment purposes only; they do not constitute any form of contractual obligation.*